Words for 3/28 – 4/3

3/28 Saponaceous – adj: resembling or having the qualities of soap

3/29 Lionize – v 1: to treat as an object of great interest or importance 2 British: to show the sights of a place to

3/30 Misprision – n 1a: neglect or wrong performance of official duty b: concealing treason or felony by one who did not participate in the crime 2: misunderstanding

3/31 Glade – n: an open space surrounded by woods

4/1 Mountebank – n 1: a person who sells quack medicines from a platform 2: a boastful unscrupulous pretender: charlatan

4/2 Lissome – adj 1a: easily flexed b: lithe 2: nimble

4/3 Footle – v 1: to talk or act foolishly 2: to waste time: trifle, fool

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