September 24th – Meticulous

Another piece from the world of Golem and Sidereal.

Meticulous – adj: marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details

“It’s incredible.”

The guard’s voice startled her, but Dr. Clemmons kept staring at the subject, her pen limp in her hand. “Yes, quite,” she replied, her voice far away.

The newest Golem subject, Subject FG0001 sat in her pen with the usual assortment of tools and materials that were given to the Golems at this stage to test for intelligence. Every subject had failed this test, opting for immediate destruction or complete disinterest, but FG0001 was meticulous in her examination. She picked up each item, turned it over in her hands, and set it out on the floor in one of four categories she’d created. Her silent progress, the light of curiosity and intelligence in her face mesmerized Dr. Clemmons.

“Why is this one so different, Doctor?” the guard asked, breaking the silence. “Besides the obvious?”

The guards rarely asked such inquisitive questions and it struck Dr. Clemmons. “Well,” she said, stealing a glance at the young man, “in all the male Golem subjects we have seen high levels of aggression, but nothing that could be classified as intelligence. After a great deal of trial and error, we began to wonder if the levels of testosterone in the subjects might be impacting their mental capacity. With that in mind we created,” she held out her hand towards FG0001, “her.”

The guard let out a short, disbelieving sigh. “Well, if you ask me, it seems like you might be onto something.”

Dr. Clemmons nodded. “Yes, so it appears.”