September 26th – Prescind


Prescind – v: to withdraw one’s attention

At the age of ten my intellectual obsession had been medieval Europe. I studied the plague, the feudal system, the Crusades. I read every book in my school library, the public library on the subject, even the ones I didn’t understand. From third to sixth grade, I was a youngest expert in the Middle Ages you’d ever met.

And then one book prescinded my love and devotion away from the Middle Ages. The book, something I’d checked out by mistake, took my passion for the Middle Ages and swung it around to Victorian England. Instead of the plague and the Crusades, I studied Industrialism, the Ripper, Thomas Malthus, Charles Dickens, the genesis of the police.

After three years, I couldn’t care less about the Middle Ages; Victoria’s England was the only time in history for me.